Monday, July 19, 2010

Crater Lake NP

Deep Water in a Sleeping Volcano

Crater Lake inspires awe. Native Americans witnessed its formation 7,700 years ago, when a violent eruption triggered the collapse of a tall peak. Scientists marvel at its purity: fed by rain and snow, it’s the deepest lake in the USA and one of the most pristine on earth. Artists, photographers, and sightseers gaze in wonder at its blue water and stunning setting atop the Cascade Mountain Range.
July 19, 2010
Stopped here on a cross-country trip. Spectator view, this will go on the we will be back list.

NPS Website

Our 52nd NPS Unit and 9th National Park

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hagerman Fossil Beds NM

Examine a fossiliferous Pliocene-aged site!

Do you know horses evolved in North America? The Hagerman Horse, Equus simplicidens, is the first true one toed horse. It's the park's most famous fossil but we have fossil evidence of over two hundred different species. From saber-toothed cat, mastodon, bear, camel, and ground sloth to smaller animals like rodents and frogs, the scientific study of Pliocene fossils is the key to Hagerman. 

July 16, 2010
Another stop on my solo cross-country trip. The Visitor's Center is the main attraction to see as you can't see the dig site. I took in the Visitor's Center and movie. A return trip will be needed to see all of this unit.

NPS webpage

Our 51st NPS Unit