Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fredericksburg & spotsylvania NMP

America's Battleground

Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania--this is America's battleground, where the Civil War roared to its bloody climax. No place more vividly reflects the War's tragic cost in all its forms. A town bombarded and looted. Farms large and small ruined. Refugees by the thousands forced into the countryside. More than 85,000 men wounded; 15,000 killed--most in graves unknown.
Dec 11 2012
We spent the day exploring the Fredericksburg Battlefield site's. Today was the 150th anniversary of the start of the battle of Fredericksburg. After visiting the Visitor Center at Fredericksburg we headed over to Chatham Manor to take in a Park Ranger lead tour. They had a cannon firing demonstration then a walk down to the river and a discussion on the events that took place that day, We took in the rest of the Fredericksburg sites and called it a day. We still have to see the Battlefields of Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania so this site will go on our return list.

NPS webpage

Our 15th NPS Unit


Chatham Manor

View of Fredericksburg from Chatham Manor

Union Encampment

Waiting to cross the river

Rounds down range

Pontoons used to cross the river