Wind, sand, and a dream of flight brought Wilbur and Orville Wright to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina where, after four years of scientific experimentation, they achieved the first successful airplane flights on December 17, 1903. With courage and perseverance, these self-taught engineers relied on teamwork and application of the scientific process. What they achieved changed our world forever.
Dec 11, 2020
We made a trip down today. It made for a great day to get out and relax. Walked the park and Daisy enjoyed the time out also.
May 26, 2012
This was our second trip to the Wright Brothers NM. There is so much to learn about the first flights here. We toured the visitor center and then headed out for a walk up to Kill Devil Hill and the Wrights Memorial with the girls. This offered us a breathtaking view of the entire area. After a visit here you must do a follow up with a visit to Dayton Ohio to get the complete history and life stories of the Wright Brothers.
March 24, 1997
Took in the site first by stopping at the Visitor center learning about the impotence of the site. We then headed out to the hill and monument.