Friday, September 30, 2022

Pea Ridge NMP


The Battle That Saved Missouri For The Union:

On March 7-8, 1862, over 23,000 soldiers fought here to decide the fate of Missouri and was a turning point of the war in the West. The 4,300-acre battlefield honors those who fought and died on these grounds. Pea Ridge was the most pivotal Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River and is one of the most intact Civil War battlefields in the United State

30 Sept 2022

The Civil War battlefields West of the Mississippi are less known about and talked about. This major battlefield is one of those sites that while not as talked about was pivotal in the outcome of the Civil War and saved Missouri for the Union. We started our visit by taking in the movie at the Visitor Center. A well-done movie that explained the battle in great detail and set us up to understand the details of the battlefield when we drove the loop road. We than took in the exhibits at the Visitor Center then headed out to the loop road that takes you to the major points of battlefield with ten stops. This loop road also offers great views and scenic overlooks. We spent 4 hours here and feel we got the most out of this park. We did have Daisy Mae with us and even though they do not offer a Bark Ranger program she had a great time taking in a few longs walks. 

Click here for photos of our visit

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156th NPS Unit

Daisy Mae taking in view

Thursday, September 29, 2022

George Washington Carver NM

Not Just The Peanut Man: 

The young child known as the "Plant Doctor" tended his secret garden while observing the day-to-day operations of a 19th century farm. Nature and nurture ultimately influenced George on his quest for education to becoming a renowned agricultural scientist, educator, and humanitarian.

29 Sept 2022

We took in this site with a basic knowledge and understanding of George Washington Carver, but we left with a much broader knowledge and understanding of a Man that had great influence and impact on modern farming and horticulture despite the hardships and prejudice he faced. We first took in a short movie at the Visitor Center, this was a great start to learning the entire life's story of George Carver. After the movie we took in all the Visitor Center had to offer. We then headed out to the trail loop and had a relaxing walk with Daisy who was working on her Bark Ranger program. The trail is a little over a mile and was very relaxing. After she finished her program, she was awarded her second Bark Ranger tag. This park can be seen a few hours. 

Click here for photos of our visit

NPS Website

Our 155th NPS Unit

Daisy Mae on the trail working on her Bark Ranger Badge

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Bighorn Canyon NRA


Spectacular Views, Endless Opportunity:

The vast, wild landscape of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area offers visitors unparalleled opportunities to immerse themselves in the natural world, and experience the wonders of this extraordinary place. With over 120,000 acres, one can find an astounding diversity in ecosystems, wildlife, and more than 10,000 years of human history to explore.
July 7, 2016
We made a revisit today to continual to explore and take in all that this park has to offer. We did see a few of the wild horses this visit. 

Aug 5, 2011

We spent a day here finding the Heard's of wild horses and other wildlife. The views from top of the canyon are breath taking and can give the Grand Canyon a good run for best view for a canyon. We did not make it to the North side of the park, so this is another one to go on the return list.

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Our 58th NPS Unit