Devils Tower, An Evocative Setting For Many Types Of Experiences And Forms Of Expression
An astounding geologic feature that protrudes out of the rolling prairie surrounding the Black Hills. This site is considered Sacred to the Lakota and many other tribes that have a connection to the area. Hundreds of parallel cracks make it one of the finest traditional crack climbing areas in North America. Devils Tower entices us to explore and define our place in the natural and cultural world.
7 July 2016
We did the hike around the Tower last visit so this time it was a short visit to just take in the grander and mystic of the Monument. We spent some time watching the Prairie Dogs enjoying a sunny day. We then headed up to the Visitor Center, for us this is a must visit NP Service site. You can easily spend a day here and more if you want to hike the many trails here.
18 Sept 2011
For today's visit we decided that a hike around the tower would be our day after taking in the Visitor Center. The hike is 1.8 Miles out and back and offers a spectacle view from all angels of the tower. It was amazing to see the climbers and how small they look; it gives a true prospective on the size of the monument.
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